Hey There, Delilah

Meet Delilah. She arrived on the 13th of November 2022 at death’s door. Rescued from a nearby low-income area, emaciated, skeletal, covered in ticks, fleas and fly larvae, the TEARS Veterinary Team was not confident that this little angel would pull through.

A filthy mess, her paw pads, gums and ears were pure white when they should have been flushed pink. Too weak to pick up her head, too sick to move, we had little hope for her. Another tragic loss… or so we thought.

Once Delilah arrived at TEARS, the Veterinary Hospital immediately began treatment. She was extremely anemic and was put on IV fluids and antibiotics. She didn’t even have the energy to eat at the beginning.

It took days of constant monitoring for Delilah to perk up. She slowly began to turn around. She enjoyed a diet of chicken and Hill’s Kitten Food to give her body the nutrients that it needed to not only repair itself but to keep growing.

She’s been the happiest girl ever and now adopted! She likes to snuggle up and give kisses. You could not ask for a more affectionate and loving cat. Delilah loves gazing out the windows and has the sweetest little meow you’ve ever heard. We are very happy to know she is part of a family now.

Delilah was lucky that someone found her in time and made a phone call to TEARS. Her ability to survive her ordeal was certainly in question. Help fund our Veterinary Clinic by making a contribution towards Veterinary Outreach.

We thank you for the gift of life that you are giving for a pet in peril.