TEARS Volunteer Survey Thank you so much for volunteering at TEARS! Your time is valuable and your input is much appreciated. Please help us improve the volunteer experience by completing this short survey. Name* First Last Email* Subscribe to TEARS Animal Rescue I would like to receive the TEARS Tails eNewsletterHow would you rate your welcome on arriving at the TEARS shelter for your volunteer orientation?* Great Satisfactory Poor How well did the volunteer orientation prepare you for working with the dogs?* Excellent Good Average Poor How friendly and approachable were the TEARS staff?* Very supportive and always available Generally were encouraging Average Not generally available Not all all interested in me How were your interactions with the other TEARS volunteers?* Great! It added to my enjoyment Fairly well Not at all easy Didn't interact with other volunteers How many times have you volunteered at TEARS since completing your orientation?*How satisfied were you with your volunteer experience?* Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat unsatisfied Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied How much impact do you believe you make to the TEARS shelter dogs?* Massively - my input helps keep them happy and healthy I know I helped improve their day I don't feel like I make much of an impact How well did the staff and volunteers make you feel valued? Especially as you were leaving.* Great Good Average Below average Poor Are you interested in other volunteer opportunities to help TEARS?* Puppy Training Gardening and Shelter Maintenance Photography Fostering puppies Fostering adult dogs Cat Cuddling Events and Fundraising Marketing Assisting at the TEARS Charity Shops Do you have any skills that you think could benefit TEARS and that you are willing to donate?Do you have any additional feedback you'd like to share with us?