One Bird Too Many (gall) Stones
Bird arrived at TEARS from Adopt-a-Pet in August 2021.
He started displaying vomiting and losing weight. Dr Tracy Dicks came to TEARS Veterinary Clinic to observe Bird, she had a look at him and asked to have him checked at her practice.
Dr Tracy Dicks diagnosed Bird with Cholelithiasis – a medical condition that can result from the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
Bird was started on antibiotics for the prevention of an infection and immediately prescribed a diet of Hill’s Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome, a high-fibre dry cat food clinically shown to promote regular healthy stool in as little as 24 hours and help reduce risk of recurrence.
The TEARS Cattery team watched closely for any sudden onsets of fevers, abdominal pain, or weakness.
Bird showed improvement immediately thankfully to Hill’s Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome is made with ActivBiome+ Ingredient Technology to rapidly nourish the gut microbiome and help manage complex GI issues.
Once we were sure that Bird was clear of Cholelithiasis we moved him over to the Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Stress + Metabolic Cat Food to help keep him healthy and happy.
Great-tasting nutrition that helps transform your pet’s life.
Bird has since found his fantastic forever home and will be enjoying his days with his all time favourite salmon-flavoured ice cream, non-synthetic grass while listening to Simon and Garfunkles’ early albums.